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- Quick Reference for GEOM Level Editor (print this out)
- Functions
- ---------
- File Menu :-
- - Load.. - Load a Level from the selected Level Pack
- - Save - Save the Level you are currently editing
- - Save As.. - Save the current level as another Level
- - About - Application Detail
- - Exit - Leave the application
- "Clear GEOM" - Clear the work area and reset all details
- "Center GEOM" - Position the current GEOM so that it is centered. DO THIS BEFORE USING IN GAME
- Target Score - Adjust this to set the Target Score for the current level
- Expert Score - Asjust this to set the Expert Score requirement for this level
- Current Pack - From here select the Pack you wish to edit (You can change the name if you wish)
- Author - Author Details (You can put your name in here)
- Date Created - Date of Creation (You can put the date in here)
- PackID - This is automatically generated, you can not change this information.
- "Apply Change" - If you change any of the text in the above fields you must press this button to accept these changes
- "New" - Create a new level pack (GEOM will only recognize 10 level packs).
- "Delete" - Delete the selected LEvel Pack - Use with Caution.
- "3","4" etc. - Select How Many sides the current shape has.
- SliderBar - Rotates the complete level
- ---------------------------------------------
- Lets Make a New Level and Level Pack
- ------------------------------------
- 1. Click "New"
- 2. Select the "New Pack" from the dropdown menu and rename the pack and enter your details
- 3. Click Apply Change
- 4. Select the renamed level pack if not already selected.
- 5. Click on "6" and then click in the middle of the white "Editor" screen (you should see a shape containing a red dot).
- NOTE: If there is not a red-dot inside the shape then you will not be able to rotate it in the game.
- 6. Click on "4" now click near each side of the existing shape.
- NOTE: If the shape get placed incorrectly then put your mouse over it and "right click"
- 7. Now Click "3" and click between each square that you placed in step 6.
- 8. Click "Center"
- 9. Adjust the Target and ExpertScores if you want.
- NOTE: These scores are multipled by 1.5 in the game so 100 actually means 150
- 10. Now click on the "File Menu" and select "Save As.."
- 11. Save this level as geom1.geo
- NOTE: geom1.geo thru geom100.geo are normal game levels, unlmited.geo is the level for "Unlimited Mode"
- Congratulations, you've just made your first level in your new level pack.
- Test your Level
- ---------------
- 1. Exit the Editor
- 2. Launch GEOM
- 3. At the Bottom of the screen it will say that you have "x Level Packs Installed" - Click here
- 4. Now Select your Level Pack from the List
- 5. Click Ok
- 6. Play in your favourite mode.
- NOTE: You must change unlimited.geo if you want to change the "Unlimited Mode".